8 Key Ingredients to well rounded health

When I think about creating more healing in my personal life and the ones I touch around me I think about these key ingredients: Purpose and meaning, Rhythms, Stress Response, Movement, Environment, Creativity, Hygiene and Nutrition.

Under stress it is easy for our good nutrition habits to slip, our rhythms get dysregulated and our movement routines to get disrupted. 

For instance, holidays can be stressful while also presenting a wonderful opportunity to connect with our meaning and purpose where the space is created for deepening relationships, practicing forgiveness, letting go of the conflicts, finding the sense of belonging and allowing the hope in. Creativity finds it’s way in through gift wrapping, cooking and decorating.

It is normal for our stress response to be heightened during the times of celebration triggered by the environment, sugar imbalances, poor sleep and alcohol. You might choose to use the stress that arrises in different situations to practice your new coping skills: drink more water, get more sunlight, move your body and excuse yourself for some restoration time.

Lavender Farm Wellness