What Would 10% Healthier Feel Like in 2025

With my ambitious dream of cultivating an island cutlet of wellness that ripples throughout the world it’s important to start at the beginning, one person at a time, taking one step at t a time. I like to think about 10% as a good starting place for sustainable improvements to healthy habits. After all our habits aren’t just an extra streaming service we can cancel anytime, they are woven in to the fabric of our daily lives, our familial upbringing, and cultural norms.

I invite you to close your eyes and notice how you feel in this moment, how your body feels in the chair, the tension or looseness of your muscles, the uplifted-ness of your posture, the speed at which your mind changes from one subject to the next. What parts of this experience have irritation or even physical pain? Then imagine 10% less physical and mental pain.

In Thoreau’s Walden he famously said that “nothing focuses the mind like death.” although true, it’s a bit dramatic. I like to tone that down a bit to the level of pain and irritation, noting grabs and holds the attention of the mind like pain and irritation. If our minds are constantly circling back to notice our pain and irritation, then they are missing out on endless other feelings and experiences both inside and outside of our bodies. With your mind giving 10% less attention to pain and irritation, then it would free up 10% that it could put towards creativity or couples other life fulfilling endeavors.

Featured in the January th Edition of the Inquirer and Mirror: “Brandon Jellison, owner of Lavender Farm Wellness, asks, “What would life be like with 10 percent less physical pain and discomfort?”

“He[Brandon] and his team work with clients to improve how their body and mind functions, offering an abundance of services, classes and supplements that care for the body down to the cellular level, with the ultimate goal of helping people discover and maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Brandon Jellison, co-owner of Lavender Farm Wellness