Wellness Wednesday

Well-rounded Health

What does well-rounded health mean to you?

We have arrived into a New Year! If the last couple of weeks felt particularly challenging it is likely to do with mercury is moving through the retrograde, engaging us to discard what’s old and not functioning and create space for the new.  The mercury retrograde has completed on January 1st opening the door to the NEW.  When I think about creating more healing in my personal life and the ones I touch around me I think about these key ingredients: Purpose and meaning, Rhythms, Stress Response, Movement, Environment, Creativity, Hygiene and Nutrition.

During the holiday hustle and bustle it is easy for our good nutrition habits to slip, our rhythms get dysregulated and our movement routines to get disrupted. 

As you enter the New Year start with finding opportunities to connect with your meaning and purpose, creating the space for deepening relationships, practicing forgiveness, letting go of the conflicts, connecting with the sense of belonging and allowing the hope in. As you think about the areas of life your wish to bring more light in start small drink more water, get more sunlight, move your body and choose to find some restoration time.