Customized Massage Therapy on Nantucket


Part of maintaining your performance and training level is attending to your health. Just as you nourish yourself with the food, water and rest needed to wake up and conquer the world each day, you must listen to your body when an ache, pain or previous injury begins to surface.

Lavender Farm Wellness Center offers customized massage, tailored to the needs of your mind and body when you come for your appointment.

You will always receive the very best in therapeutic massage at our idyllic location on Nantucket Island. Our massage therapists specialize in deep tissue massage, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Zen Body Therapy (Rolfing), as well as orthopedic sports massage, specific for distance runners, golfers, and skiers.

Clients will notice improved health benefits and range of motion. Are you ready to attend to your health? 

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